Transpicuous News Archive Video for Sunday August 9th

Here is the Archive Video of Transpicuous News Weekly Report from Sunday August 9th.   Im sorry folks, the quality isnt great- my internet has extreme issues Sunday.  Right now its high tourist season in this area of Morocco and the tourists are over loading the bandwidth of the Internet systems so basically I have almost no internet from about noon till midnight.  This week, I may prerecord TN so that the quality is better.

love d

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Half way there BRING ON SPRING !!!!

On the downward slide....
As much as I love rugging up & getting comfy on the lounge with the family I really am a Lizard at heart...
Have had a few mornings at 0°C or below without to much damage to the Veggie patch...
**Knocks on wood**
Only a month & a half to go before I can start to thaw out...
Potato Harvest...
I have been dying to get into the potato bags & in a weak moment the other day we emptied one....

Not the biggest harvest but they were the best tasting spuds we have grown... They went down well in a Chook, Mushroom & kohlrabi casserole...
The rest of the bags are being left as I fear we havent been keeping the water up to them enough for the spuds to mature properly... That has been rectified now as they have been fed with some worm cast tea & now will be watered every second day...

In the patch...
Not much has gone on in the patch except for harvesting the Snow & Sugar snap peas as well as the purple Kohlrabi & other assorted leaf veggies...
A clip from the 4th of July with a catch up on the beans, Beetroot & some more Carrots...

Left is a shot of the tiny Mushrooms from the Video as of yesterday... The Peat is starting to look a bit feral with some green mould moving in so I think it will be retired & we shall chalk up the $ lost as part of the learning curve...The other box hasnt produced any fungus as of yet even though we have been keeping a close eye on it...
     The black worm farm still hasnt been harvested as of yet... We should get around to it next weekend I think... Will be able to use the "Handy Dandy" Worm Harvester on it hopefully as this batch is a bit dryer than the last few... Right is a shot of todays pickings, just under 800grams of Sugarsnap peas a few carrots we are going to blanch & freeze...

We made a start on the Barrelponics system on Monday...
Left The main frame for the bench is made from a frame of an old lounge, bits from a recycled futon lounge  along with some recycled timber & bolts... Right  One ½ barrel was found i a park after the January floods & the other was purchased at a 2nd hand store for $4... The black barrel  was bought from a local Produce supply store...
Koo has had heaps of fun helping with the build... The girls are using the Barrelponics as part of their science lessons so that should be fun...

Very annoyed with myself we the stuff up & will definitely be erring on the side of caution from now on... Feel really bad for what happened to the fish....
Thats abooot it for now so Have a great one all...
: )»
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A personal call out

Well my friends, I hate making this sort of a call out, but unfortunately it has become necessary.

As you know, Nick and I have started our own business- Our Gaias Gardens.  We borrowed some money from a good friend of ours to start the process, and have basically funneled every penny we have into the start up to get Our Gaias Gardens up and running.  Weve sourced all the basics- bottles, ingredients,  labels, packaging and spent a huge amount of time preparing and testing and getting everything ready to roll out....

And now were ready.... except weve come to a grinding halt, due to finances.

Another good friend, knowing that I have been severely suffering from a back case of computeritis, has sent me a computer - second hand and refurbished, with all the software I need- and after almost 4 weeks (so much for "3-5 business days"  DHL Shipping), weve been told its ready to be delivered..... but we have to pay 175 EUROS  to get it released!!!!

We have a young man here who lost his job, that Nick and I have sort of taken under our wing and have been helping - he speaks excellent english and is helping us with translating from Moroccan/Berber/Spanish/French to English for us.  Hopefully, he can help us "negotiate" with Customs....

In the mean time, I need to put a call out to ask for some financial help this month. We dont have 175 Euros to pay Customs... we dont even have 50 Euros to get us through the next few weeks. If you can help, even a couple of dollars is HUGELY appreciated.

*     *     *     *     *

I am putting together a product information package with all our back ground info and pricing on the current products (and an outline of the next products we will be launching), for Distributors and/or Wholesale/Retailers.  We are looking for investors to become distributors as the biggest cost factor right now is shipping individual bottles etc, to online retail customers, so we are working towards having Distributors in various countries, so that the shipping - to individual, retail and wholesale customers- is handled locally.

Weve received rave reviews of our products from everyone whos used them so far.  I have been sending samples and bonuses to customers who order our Argan Oil, to have them test some of our latest products.  I will be putting up a reviews page on OGG in the next day or so!  Sticking to my unwavering belief in producing completely natural, uncorrupted, skin care products, using only truly PURE  plant essences and oils, has been a very difficult path, but one that I will NOT take any shortcuts on.   Beyond beautiful skin, I will be launching several of my healing products very very soon as well.  I have given out my recipe for "Morgellions" treatments to many people, and will publish it on OGG for those who wish to make it themselves, but I will also be making them available through Gaias Gardens (and I will be delving into the "Morgellions" issue very soon as there is MUCH coming to light about this all encompassing "disease" that is disinformation and outright misdirection!).  I will also be launching my "Mommys Mergencies" line of healing balms that I have created over the years for my own childrens booboos, burns, bites, and bumps!!

Our Gaias Gardens is a culmination of over a decade of dreams coming into reality.  Birthing it has been a LONG and arduous journey (with many tantrums and meltdowns along the way! lol).  We are sooooo close......

If you are interested in becoming a Distributor/Investor/Wholesaler of Our Gaias Gardens Products, please contact me on skype:  d.breakingthesilence   or facebook:  dani arnold mckenny

As I said, Ill be doing a big launch (hopefully this week!) with all the Distributor pricing and product information.

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Lost in the Argument Questions Unanswered

Lost in the Argument: Questions Unanswered


To all the "Flat Earthers" and "Globeists" out there.....

I can NOT believe the amount of energy that is currently being expended on this argument. STILL.

Do you get it? THIS is a DISTRACTION. This is a distraction BECAUSE of the argument. While everyone is arguing "its flat!" or "Its a globe", they are missing the bigger and more important questions.

..... Besides that, what if the earth is a different shape entirely?  What if the "Planet" isnt a "Planet" at all?

Now, Please do not get mad and close this page.  Please take a moment to read the message- I am asking everyone to put aside your personal beliefs in this, and focus on the QUESTION.

Is this earth a globe? No, I dont think so.
Is it flat? Nope, I dont really gel with that theory either.

(I personally think that BOTH theories are wrong but well get back to that...)

But while everyone is arguing "flat vs sphere" most people are so caught up in the actual argument itself that they arent looking for other answers!! There are HUGE questions that the "flat earth theory" have brought up that are vital pieces of the puzzle, and have opened up a lot of different avenues of investigation and research..... but I think that the basic argument has been pushed as a distraction- to KEEP PEOPLE FROM going down those avenues and continuing their research to the deeper, more important questions that this topic shines a light on.

I am watching literal wars of words raging across social media over this, and 99% of those arguing, arent discussing the issues brought up BY the question of what shape our planet is- all they are doing is arguing about the shape.

Please let that sink in for a moment..... 


Instead of arguing about this, I would LOVE to see people putting the same energy into do their OWN research.

I have seen many many videos posted over the past 6 months or so that push one side of this argument or the other.... that are filled with flawed "science", and poor logical processes to try and prove one side of only TWO theories.  Its a travesty. And Im shocked at the bullshit "science" that people are swallowing whole, because they have chosen to listen to someone else, instead of doing their own research.  I am shocked at the number of intelligent, aware people who have gotten themselves locked into one side, one BELIEF, and are seemingly incapable of moving beyond and looking at the entire debate rationally.

What this has become, in my opinion, is a religious argument. Like Protestants and Catholics arguing over who is "right". Everyone seems to be caught up in "Beliefs", and are pushing their own unprovable belief system.

Neither side is capable of sitting down and having a rational, logical discussion. Most interactions deteriorate into screaming matches and name calling...... so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! DIVISION HAS BEEN SET UP PERFECTLY.  NO ONE is moving BEYOND that one stupid argument.

Let me ask this one basic question:

In the greater scheme of things, does the physical shape of the planet change your life at all?   Did your physical existence on this "planet" - where you live, what your job is, your family life, your social life- actually CHANGE when you discovered the "flat earth theory"?   No really!  I want you lo LOOK at what Im saying:  DID your physical existence in this reality actually CHANGE?

NO.  It did not.

The QUESTIONS brought up BY this "theory", have a massive impact on us- emotionally, mentally, and even "spiritually", and they have the ability to propel us forward into vast new areas of research and comprehension.  But its the QUESTIONS that do this- NOT THE SHAPE.

I would love to discuss this entire topic, in the open, without all the bullshit.  To really LOOK at the QUESTIONS, and take this entire meme apart and REALLY dig for answers- WITHOUT focusing on what fuckin shape of the planet is!! 

.... as I said:  What if this "Planet" isnt a planet at all.  That kinda makes the entire argument about what shape it is completely irrelevant, doesnt it?  But in order to even look at that as a possibility, first we have to let go of our "belief" systems and open our minds to the very basic fact that we do not know.....
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Jobbies for the patch

WOO HOO !!!!!

I have the day to myself tomorrow so I shall be doing all the little jobbies around the yard I have put on hold because of rain or other disruptions...
There are seeds to sow, plants to plant, Barrels to Wick, a pond to make & a little bit of landscaping to do...
I have an inkling that the onions seeds I have planted out on the 17 & 18th oh march may have failed as I have only seen 1 variety sprout.... It may just be me being impatient but am going to plant out some punnets of seed just in case... They wont go to waste as they will just be popped in throughout the patch & yard if the others have failed...
List of jobbies.... Shall come back & mark these once they are completed...
- Pot out Pineapple top
- Plant out Elephant & Glen Large Garlic  Saturday With B?
- Plant out Dill with Cucumbers  Monday afternoon
-Sow Broccoli seed in with Cucumbers Monday afternoon
- Sow onion & Carrot tape in bathtub bed Saturday afternoon
- Transplant B?s Comfrey & some Aloe vera around the Lemon Tree
- Re pot Amish Paste Tomatoes the same way Ray does on his Praxxus You Tube channel Monday afternoon
- Pot up Chilli seedlings
- Watch countless more You Tube gardening clips Might wait till after jobbies are done...
- Wick up a garden bed for family member
- Investigate for root growth on the Eggplant, Sacred Basil & Tomato cuttings we took on the 17th of March & re pot if needed
-Cut down Barrels, wash then make 3 Wicking Barrels & 1 pond from them (Video on Wicking Barrels on this in post above...) Friday & Saturday afternoons
- Attach wire to the top of chook yard roof Saturday afternoon
- Plant out Panama Red Passion fruit in Wicking Barrel in chook Yard Saturday afternoon
- Make up more Compost Tea after current brew is used Saturday afternoon Monday afternoon
- Harvest top tray of Castings from old Worm farm
- Remove some of the shade cloth
- Pot up Lemongrass for friends Monday afternoon

Thats all I can think of for now but shall add extra when I think of them as there is always more...

Pale-headed Rosella...

We got a visit from this lovely yesterday so thought I would  share... They normally visit in pairs but this one was flying solo so may not of found a mate as of yet...

Have a great one all...
: )»
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Operation Worm rescue

Got a bit over zealous with making up a batch of worm food this week.... In my attempt to give the little fellas a treat of bread, which they love by the way, Koo & I added to much to the Worm Slushie... As a result the Slushie started to ferment in the Farm & generate a lot of heat....
 All the offending Slushie was removed then some Sugar cane mulch was added...
 This was mixed around with the castings & worms in the top tray in an attempt to cool the little fellas down.... The shade cloth that is being used to collect any stray worms or castings dropping through to the worm juice collection tray did a great job... A lot of the Worms had retreated there to get relief from the heat... there was also a decent amount of castings there that will come in handy potting out the Caped Gooseberries & Strawberries into their new Barrels/pots...

I couldnt get over the amount of worms that are in the farm... We started up the farm using a 1000 Worm Starter Pack  from Worm Affair that was purchased at a local hardware store.. I scooped out about 4 cupped hand fulls during the rescue from the top tray + the poor fellas left behind that should find their way to safety in the tray below & then there are those that found refuge in the bottom tray... I guesstimate that there is over 2kg left in the farm + those that now call all the Garden beds home... That is a big increase from the 250 grams worth we started with...

  Weather permitting, a start shall be made on the new worm farm this weekend... It shall be made from a large 55 gallon Barrel & should allow us to add a lot more food thereby creating a lot more castings for the garden... We have stopped feeding the worms that were introduced into the Wicking garden beds... They appear to be increasing in numbers just by feeding on the organic matter that we turn through the beds after every crop is harvested... Digging around in a few of the beds this week has uncovered a fair few small to large worms which to me means that they are breeding & happy in them....

Well Better get to it.....
Have a great one all.....
: )»
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Working On Blum Arduino Basics Video Tutorial 2

So tonight I had a chance to work on the exercises in the Jeremy Blum Arduino Basics video tutorial #2 again.

I had started on the #2 video about a week back, but last week needed to return the borrowed Arduino components to the friend from whom I had borrowed them. The official Arduino Starter Kit I had ordered from Amazon showed up on Thursday. So I now had the parts I needed to resume learning about the basics of microcontrollers.

Finally, tonight I had the time to open up the kit and pick up sort of where I left off with the first exercise in Blum video #2. Before I started the video back up, though, I tried to put together the the laser-cut wooden base for the Arduino and breadboard. Annoyingly, the Italian Arduino folks seem to have either neglected to include the screws for attaching the Arduino to the wooden base, or they forgot to specify the size for those screws when they wrote the book that comes with the kit. The book says to fasten the Arduino to the base with three screws, but thats all it says. I guess thats part of the DIY aspect of the kit. If you want to screw the Arduino to the wooden base, figure out the screw size yourself and get them yourself...

After reviewing a bit of the #2 video, I hooked up the Arduino Uno Rev 3 to a breadboard, a 10K ohm resistor, a switch and an LED (light emitting diode). I watched what Jeremy did in the video, I connected the components with the jumper wires, then I rechecked to make sure everything was the same as in the video. One issue I didnt think about the first time I hooked up this circuit was whether it matters which way the current runs through a resistor or, said another way, whether it matters which lead on a resistor is connected to ground. I tried looking that up in the
SparkFun tutorial on resistors, but couldnt find the answer. I decided to just make sure it was hooked up the same way shown in the video, and Ill search later on Google to find the answer about whether resistors are ok with current going either way through them.

With all the components hooked up, I connected the USB cable into my laptop, then into the Arduino. The LED was supposed to only light up when I pushed the switch, but as soon as I hooked up the USB cable, the LED started flashing on and off. Drat! Didnt do that before when I hooked it up. Unplugged the USB cable, then hooked it back up again. LED still flashed on and off.

Then I realized it was a brand new Arduino Uno, fresh from the manufacturer, and it didnt have the Arduino sketch, or program, uploaded to it yet which would make the LED only come on when I held down the button. Once I uploaded the program, which I had written a week ago when I had the borrowed Arduino, the LED worked properly, lighting up when I held the switch down and going off when I let up on the switch. Success!

Getting late, so time to stop for tonight. Tomorrow Ill try to finish Blum video #2.

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Veggie garden walk through Pineapple turmeric okra nematodes chooks

Have been meaning to do a clip for the past week but just havent gotten around to it... Today was a sick day for the girls (dreaded cold/flu has set in here) so I went for a wander with an umbrella..

Root Knot Nematodes..
Here is a bit of a look at what root knot nematodes did to the beetroot that were grown in the barrel before the okra was planted out in there.. These nematodes set up home in the roots of your plants reducing plant vigour & in some extreme cases, suck that much nutriment out of the plant that they can die.. We have had a bit of a problem  in a few beds but think that we have them on the run with the molasses mix..
Molasses mix for root knot nematode..
1L/1quart of molasses
4L/4quart of water
Mix well together & water into 2m²/2yrd² of infected garden bed.. Once this mix was applied to the barrel the warrigal greens bounced back surprisingly quickly.. I was extremely impressed to say the least..
Hope that helps anyone else trying to battle these tiny pests..

Hopefully there will be more in the next walk through clip in the way of winter plant starts
For more regular updates about the patch come visit on the Bits out the Back Face Book page..
Have a great one All...
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Vegetable garden update clip

A bit of a catch up on how the patch is going now we are coming to the end of summer.. Many of the plants are doing well but we are still having  few issues with nematodes & grasshopper attacks in the patch..
While cleaning out a few beds I found one that was extremely hydrophobic..  Below is a link that explains what hydrophobic soils are..
Was an easy fix that involved a bag of composted horse manure & a garden fork with the rain well & truly re hydrating the soil mix in the bed..

Hope to finish cleaning out the beds tomorrow & sowing some seeds later on in the day..

For more regular updates on the patch come visit us at

Hope all are well & happy..
Have a great one..
: )»
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Organising the Yard Part II

Monday walk through...
 A bit of a walk through looking at a few bits around the yard that we did on the weekend in the yard & Veggie Patch...

Harvesting the Spice barrels...
We decided to harvest the Galangal, Turmeric & Ginger (GTG) early this year  so we could renovate that part of the patch for the Aquaponic system...

We got far more than we thought we would as the soil they were planted in was of very poor quality...The Worm cast & Compost teas gave the leaves a boost in the last few months so the rhizomes must of benefited as well I think...

I think we got twice the Turmeric (left) than the last crop, about the same from the Galangal (middle)... The Ginger (left) produced a lot more than last years crop that was grown from rhizomes purchased from the supermarket... This crop was grown from rhizomes purchased from Green Harvest & produced about double the amount of better looking ginger... Glad we paid the extra now... The pieces with stalk still on them will be given to others & some will be planted into Bed #9 with the Lemon Grass...

New Barrels & other Bits... 
2 new Wicking Barrels were made up for some seedlings in need of new homes... 2 purple & 1 Thai basil (left) were put in a barrel down in the patch & the Bell Chilli & 2 x of our Banana x Chillies (right) were put in a barrel beside the new Spice barrel by the back stairs...

All the remaining potted veggies were put on a frame around the side of the house with only a few pots & the Bromeliads, including the Pineapple, were left under the stairs with some Aloe & herbs.. The Strawberry wall (left) has had a minor renovation with some more wire cut out to allow for the plants settling down further in the wall & restricting the crown from sprouting more growth...

Have been harvesting a few Broccoli flowers (left) for salads & nibbles while walking around the patch.. Will be saving some seeds once they set..
 There is only 1 white Kohlrabi left (right) & B? wants to leave it to see how large it will grow...Will be a week or 2 before the Purple ones will be ready.. Planted out 10 others around the patch & plan to sow some more seed when we can find some space...

The Passion fruit barrel has been overrun by feral Tomatoes & Eggplants that have sprouted from the worm cast that was placed under each of the seedlings... Shall have to thin them out soon but am thinking of leaving the Eggplant in just to see what type it turns out to be... 
 Have also moved bits around the yard & have packed up all the composting barrels until after the reception... I might be able to take out Bed #5 , put in the bedding pebbles, cut down then place the IBCs  before the reception is held but it might be a push.. Was hoping to have a little Barrel system up by then but the 2 new Wicking Barrels have taken up the spot next to the stairs where I was going to put them... Such is...

Random Pics...
 Some of the produce we have been picking...
Long early Eggplant, Beans, Kohlrabi, Beans, Beetroot, Lemons, Beans,Mangle Leaves, Snowpeas, Dragon Carrots, Beans, Cape Gooseberries, Raspberries, Beans, Honey snap Peas, Oh & did I mention Beans ???

Have also been trying to get a Celery base to shoot & will try to plant it once the roots come in... We do the same with store bought Shallots/Spring onions (depending on what country you live in).. Have bought a few bunches of them marked down to clear for 50cents & didnt loose any after planting them...
 Thats about all until the weekend..
Have a great one...
: )»
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Soft shell egg from the chickens

One of the girls laid a soft shell egg the other day & it gave Koo a bit of a shock when she was collecting the eggs :D We have only ever had 3 or 4 of these over 16 years & 3 lots of chickens..

A soft shell egg can be a one off or in some cases caused by stress, a sign of nutrient deficiency or illness in the bird.. In our case I think it has to do with the age of our 2 older chooks, Greedy & Chicken Little.. If there is a continuing problem we will be off to the vet with the young lass in question..

I have come across a few great sites & forums that have been useful over the past few years.. Backyard Chickens is one forum that has some great posters & information like this page on Common Egg Quality problems..
The Chicken Vet from the UK has also got some great information on diseases on his site..
Cheers & hope the info helps some folks out there,
Rob :)
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From Morocco to OZ The Transpicuous Relocation Project

There is a bit more to this story than I have put in our Crowdfunding campaign....

In recent weeks, certain information has become clear and the reactions of certain people who are highly connected here in the Highest Places of Morocco, have been clearly seen.  Some of my News coverage has made certain people not happy.  My entire families Skype access has been wiped out.  And through some savvy tech friends, weve learned that skype knows that certain IPs are being Blocked in Morocco..... and not by Skype.  In the past two weeks weve had several "technical" problems with our banking,  Packages that were suppose to be delivered to us have not been delivered, and the most recent and blatant event:  in the past week, local youths have taken to throwing rocks at our house. ....

The 7 puppies that we rescued the first week of December, are all healthy, dewormed, deloused, chubby and glossy and they have all got new homes with awesome families.... that was one of the very last responsibilities we had to tie us here to Morocco.

We are ready to leave.  Literally.

Love d

Welcome to our "Get Dani & Nick and the kids out of Morocco and across the Big Pond to the Land of Oz" Crowd Funding Campaign!!

For those of you who know my work in journalism: Removing the Shackles, Transpicuous News, and the One Peoples Roundtable Discussions.... well all of you know the story of how a Canadian Family of 6 ended up living in Morocco almost 3 years ago.  For those of you who dont know the background, well, its long and convoluted....  but basically we came to Morocco looking for a better life for our family and to build a community here. After a lot of ups and downs, happiness and disappointment, we ended up in Morocco alone, with no way to get back to Canada....

But those of you who know me, know that Nick and I are not quitters and are not afraid of digging in and making things work.  So here we were, in a foreign country where we didnt speak the language, but we saw infinite possibilities in a place that had something amazing- Untouched, unpolluted, and almost unknown treasures called Argan Oil, Black seed oil, Barbary fig oil and some of the most amazing essential oils on the planet!!  Now, I have been an Aromatherapist and mixing my own oils, lotions, creams, salves and balms for almost 25 years, so the conclusion we came to was obvious: to start our own Hand made skin care product line!  With the help of a good friend we were able to get the funds together to start our small company here in Morocco, and we launched Our Gaias Gardens. We have connected with a Berber womens cooperative, right on the edge of the Sahara, and a family cooperative in the Rif mountains, who are making all their own oils,  REAL Truly PURE, untouched, unpolluted Oils- and build a wonderful friendship. Every penny weve made has gone back into our company,  and to the cooperatives to expand our products.

If youd like to know more about our family and about our vision for moving forward, please visit the "Our Vision" and "About Us" pages on
This was all wonderful.... until everything really started to blow up (literally) in the Middle East.

Things here in Morocco are getting.... tense, and the situation at the border where we usually cross to get our VISAs stamped, is VERY tense, teeming with military on both sides of the border.  The Universe has been kinda telling us that it might be time to leave this area of the world for the past few months, but this past week, the message has become very clear.  Its time to go!.....

Continue reading HERE:
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Sweet and Steady

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the
 changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."
-Maya Angelou

Its been awhile since Ive written, almost six months actually.  Life has been both cruel and kind in its lessons.  As an open hearted participant I can truly say I am always learning and growing, give thanks for evolution!  Much has transpired here on the farm since the last post in August.  The turkeys matured and went to their new abode in the freezer (weighing in between a whopping 30-40lbs each!).  Our Wild Feast Thanksgiving was amazing.  We successfully cooked our first enormous home grown turkey in the cob oven with an abundance of sage and rosemary.  The bird fed almost thirty people and the chef received many happy compliments. (Thank you beautiful birds for nourishing our family!)  We will definitely be raising turkeys again this year.

There is also a fairly new addition to the family.  Cinnamon (aka 2G) is our new jersey cow who we bought last August from an organic dairy up north.  We recently did pregnancy tests on both Cinnamon and Ginger and its looking like both girls are pregnant and due in late spring.  Pretty exciting for us!  The milk has been slowing down as we get ready to dry them off for a break before calving. 

As the weather warms up, the bees are active and buzzing everywhere while the hillside has become lush and green.  The garden is getting more productive with peas, favas, cover crops and perennial kale, collards, chard, lettuce, garlic, onions and artichokes bursting.  Time to plant potatoes and start the summer squash and tomatoes in the greenhouse.   

We have a ton of chayote starts this year and are excited to line all the fences with these versatile squash.  Ive also ordered more perennials bushes for the food forest...aronia, seaberry, gooseberry, along with more fruit trees including mulberry, hawthorn, and Asian pear. This time of year it is hard to contain myself from ordering everything, its like having planting fever.

Classes and tours have also been going extremely well.  We have been blessed with so many wonderful students and great interest in what we are creating here. 
And so as we continually work on externally developing this land we are stewarding and internally developing our character, we experience the sweet and steady; the effort and the rewards.  We look forward in 2015 to implementing many new ideas, creativity, fun, travel, friendship, health and balance.  Many Blessings!
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Start to Finish

Thank you Cocoa!

From May 2013 to February 2014, a cycle is complete.  Gingers first calf, little Cocoa, was born here and lived an easy life.  He was able to grow fat on his moms milk for six months then enjoy any array of alfalfa, vegis, pumpkins, and grain.  He was able to run and jump, sniff and investigate like any calf should. He slept most of the day like babies do and enjoyed many a scratch behind the ears.  

Then when he started to grow up he was even able to express some of his manhood and bully us around a bit.  (The poor goats got bullied around alot!) And at a certain point when he was eating the same amount as his mom and when he was getting just too big to handle safely (with those horns of his), it was time for him to go.

We knew from the start that Cocoas destiny would be to fill the freezer.  Since we dont eat meat it would not be ours. And when all was said and done the whole scenario could not have worked out better. A friend purchased him, picked him up in her trailer, brought him to the slaughter house and then the butcher.

This friend of ours happens to be extremely particular about where her meat comes from and feels its important to face the animals she will eat.  So she sat with Cocoa to the end and watched the complete process to make sure it was as humane a possible. She was even kind enough to bring us back some of the innards for our compost pile so a part of Cocoa could be incorporated into the soil where he was born.

We saved Cocoas beautiful hide for salting and preserving as well.  We say farewell to Cocoa who gave us our first amazing experiences with calf rearing. He was sweet, gentle and of course very stubborn. We are all grateful for the gifts he has given us.

Every part of Cocoa was used.  He was split between four families, meaning he will feed and nourish fifteen people.  Just in case any of you are considering buying a whole animal for meat to share or just for your own family, here is a cost comparison analysis of the beef purchase from the buyer, I thought it was interesting to see the breakdown.  Cocoa was eight months old and approximately 700 lbs.  

Compared to a 6 month subscription from Marin Sun Farms
 (adjusted for weight differences)
more steak--102%
less roasts--32%
less hamburger--15%
more bones--100%
more offal--100%

cost savings of meat per pound (excluding offal and bones)--36%
total cost savings--33%
final cost per pound of meat (excluding offal and bones)--$5.20

pounds of meat each + 1/4 of the bones and various cuts of offal--46.26

And now, all is quiet here on the farm.  Are you are curious about Ginger??  We have been watching her closely. She seems to have had her few days of wondering and most likely mourning but with all the green grass coming up its business as usual. 

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Transpicuous News Jan 4th Welcome to 2016!

Welcome to 2016!  In less than 4 days, the world has gone to hell in a hand basket, with the Middle East exploding (quite literally), and the financial sector plays its favorite roller coaster tunes, all the while armed men in Oregon take control of a federal building.... but just a little one.


News Links for January 4th, 2016 Report

Bahrain, Sudan sever ties with Iran, UAE reduces number of diplomats

Saudi Arabia to cut commercial ties, flights to Iran - Foreign Minister

‘A Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood’: More escalation ahead in Saudi-Iran crisis

Iraqi official blames IS for bombing Sunni mosques in Shiite city, says group stoking tensions

Israeli forces shell Lebanese border town after patrol attacked

1,000 crack British troops deployed to Libyan oil fields to ‘halt the advance of ISIS’

Dozens wounded after Taliban suicide truck targets US convoy in Kabul

China stocks rout on first market day of 2016 trips national trading halt

A Close Up Of The Market Ripple Which Stopped Stocks Tumbling At 11:01 am

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Aquaponic IBC system update Cooling down the fish

With the high temperatures we have been having the water in the fish tank has been slowly rising to the 30°C/86°F mark... This is outside the comfort range of the Jade perch & I was getting worried about the amount of dissolved oxygen they had available so needed a quick fix.. Found a very easy fix by doing next to nothing at all..

Might contemplate adding some frozen bottles of water into the tank to try & help reduce the water temperature tomorrow..

Have a good one all...
: )»

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One Peoples Discussion Nov 2 2015

One Peoples Discussion- Nov 2, 2015


On Mondays One People Discussion, Lisa and I dug into several topics, starting with the timeline/dimensional/ jumps that we keep seeing.  Those "Mandela Effects" pieces just keep coming to our attention, faster and bigger and less ignorable. lol.

Below is the Archive Video from the November 2 2015 show.

BE SURE to join us for this weeks show cause WOW!!!!  We have a lot to talk about on this subject as a whole lot more interesting pieces fell into place during several discussions in the UnFuckers Unite Facebook page over the past few days!!

.... and we have a little experiment we are going to run- a sort of "quantum PIN" to create with everyone, to see if we can perhaps track what the hell is going on!

Continue reading....

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New SIM City to be built at the Cross New Mexico

Interesting.... I remember when this project was first announced in 2012... then cancelled, then brought back to life, sorta, in 2014.....  And now again, Pegasus Holdings is talking about building their "SIM City", with plans to start construction in the next three months.... in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

... Can you say perfect film stage for just about any natural disaster, terrorist attack, false flag or "war"?

New $1.4 billion city is being built in the desert


AT FIRST glance it appears to be an illusion — a giant, very pricey one.
A new city is being built in the middle of the desert at a whopping price tag of $1.4 billion and while it’s a very real place, it’s unlike anything the world has ever seen.
Despite featuring all the infrastructure you’d expect to find in a normal city, including skyscrapers, 35,000 homes, a shopping centre, church, service station and an airport, nobody will be allowed to live here.
The 38-square-kilometre area will also encompass farms, an industrial area, a rural road system and a highway.
It will be under constant surveillance and connected by underground tunnels, yet there will be no colourful details such as artwork or billboards.
Welcome to the Center for Innovation, Testing and Evaluation (CITE), a planned ghost town for New Mexico, America.
Essentially, it’s a huge, fully functional test city, the first of its kind in the world.

According to development company Pegasus Global Holdings: “City Lab will be a representative example of a modern day, mid-sized American city. It will ... include urban, suburban and rural zones as well as the corresponding infrastructure.
“City Lab will be pre-wired for data collection giving researchers the ability to simulate system-wide scenarios and then draw data from such activities.
“It’s the first of its kind, in scale and scope.”
Here, drones will rule the sky as they test out the delivery of goods, and roads will be filled with driverless cars and trucks. And the beauty of it being empty of humans is that if something goes wrong, there won’t be any mass injuries.
It will be a true laboratory without the complication and safety issues associated with residents,” Bob Brumley, managing director of Pegasus says.
Here you can break things and run into things and get used to how they work, before taking them out into the market.”
Just 300 people will oversee experiments and maintain the city’s infrastructure.
It will have all the hallmarks of a real, functioning city. Picture: Pegasus Global Holdi

CITE is a replica of Rock Hill, South Carolina, which proved to be a great testing model due to its mix of old and new building materials.
But the project has suffered some setbacks.
Construction was originally scheduled to begin in June 2012, near the town of Hobbs, in the arid Lea County, but the project was put on hold due to environmental concerns.
Its fate then seemed to be heading in the direction of these other forgotten, unbuilt cities.
Now it’s full steam ahead with ground set to be broken outside of Las Cruces for the real-life Sim City within the next three months.

Definition of CRUCES

plural of crux

Definition of CRUX

:  a puzzling or difficult problem :  an unsolved question
:  an essential point requiring resolution or resolving an outcome

Origin of CRUX

Latin cruc-, crux cross, torture
First Known Use: 1718

Chinas Empty Cities: These Satellite Images Will Shock You

China building mega cities but they remain empty ghost towns

Why has China built a ghost town in Africa? Eerie footage shows brand new Angolan city designed for 500,000 lying empty

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Worms are GO !!!

 Worm "Kingdom"...

The Worms are in their new home...Had to remove a wardrobe to make some room first... It was dismantled & the backing ply was nailed to the batons behind the farm to make a sun block with the rest being saved to be used as shelving... The wire frame at the base of the farm was covered with some weed mat fabric..
  3 Coir blocks were hydrated in water & were added to the Farm as bedding... This we also be food for them as well... 1 brick swells out to about 7-8L of bedding...

The top 2 trays of the old Farm were tipped on top of the Coir, food was added down one end & some newspaper & shade cloth was laid on top... We are very happy with the result.. The only change that may be made is a more sturdier base... Will just see how this one holds up...

The castings harvester was a bit of a let down... The castings were still too damp & just formed balls... We ended up going back to the proven method of just fishing them out with our hands...
We didnt get as much Castings as we thought but should be enough for the seedlings we need to plant out..

  Pests in the Patch...

Got some good shots of the White Cabbage Butterfly eggs yesterday...
I squished 9 on 1 leaf alone on a Red Cabbage... Dont think the bread clips are working so plan "B" is going into effect tomorrow... The Girls & I will be cutting out little imitation Butterflies tomorrow to hang around the Patch... The butterflies are supposed to be territorial so when they see our mock ups bouncing around, they should nick off to another garden..
The Shallots & spring Onions are being attacked by these little fellas on the Left... 7 were pulled from a square foot of onions... The little bugs on the Right are having a field day on the eggplants, pumpkins  & a few other plants...  
Got a bit of a surprise when checking Koos Strawberry Barrel...  A Chinese Elm had decided to take up residence... I thought our days of them being a problem were over, but alas there have been a few pop up over the last few weeks in the beds...                               

Strawberry Barrel # 2...

Planted out the Red Strawberry & the pot of others we saved from Bed #1 a few months back... They are situated at the end of Bed #4 under the slightly over pruned Lemon tree... The Lemon tree is packed with fruit which is great, & has more flowers appearing on it all the time... There is also a feral Tomato growing through it which is doing quite nicely...
Some of the Rainbow Silverbeet has produced a rather stunning Flower spike... Hopefully we will get heaps of seed as we are looking at planting out the back of the Chook pen with Silverbeet for the Ladys... The Galangal is rather surprising... It has a very delicate sent that is very nice...

Weekly Harvest...
Orange Chillies, Baby & Mature Carrots, a few KGs of Mini Roma Tomatos, Mini Golden Nugget pumpkin,  Strawberries, assorted Herbs, Beans, Eggplant,  3 eggs a day & the Mutant Zuccumpkin... Shall be interesting to see what it looks like once it is opened this week...

That about it for now...
Have a great one all...
: )»
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